DIY Foreign Aid (新しいタイプのマイクロクレジット)

Here is something you guys might be interested: Microlending on world scale.

I saw a documentary about this organization, "KIVA," on TV last night. It interested me a lot because what they were doing was neither a charity nor ordinary microlending by local financial institution such as the famous Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Kiva is different in that people are called for offering loans from all over the world via online payment. So the borrowers and lenders would be connected directly. You know to whom your money is going for what, and the entrepreneurs thousands of kilometers away would know how their lenders look like.

Becoming a lender is so easy. Anyone with an Internet access and 25USD could do it today.Here is the website of KIVA.

And this is the video from NYTimes introducing this business.

This is from PBS Frontline World on KIVA.




