3rd day

This is going to be fun, but tough. Met a lot of people from all over the place - all over the US, China, Nepal, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Serbia, Denmark, everywhere. The problem is the language. I hope it will still improve just by leading a daily life here. Whether you will start to feel completely comfortable at some point I'm not too sure - probably not. Also, So far I have been successful in meeting people across what I would dare call an Asian barrier. How far I can go that way remains to be seen.

日本人は多いです。International studentのなかではひょっとしたら一番多いんじゃなかろうか。その次に多そうなのがスイスとベルギーというのが不思議なところですが。寮では1割くらいが日本人です。

During this first day of orientation we were repeatedly told "you are not an admission mistake." This saved my fear to some extent, but what was more relieving was meeting fellow students who came directly from undergrad. We share the feeling that self-introduction with other students is always intimidating, because everyone seems to have enormous amount of experience in their respective field.

